
[Financial Rescue LLC] OK Nga ROD: Tips for Managing Wedding Debt (Adobo Nation)

2015-05-18 1 Dailymotion

Adobo Nation Episode: Tips for Managing Wedding Debt

In this video, Adobo Nation's Michi Valeriano and Rod Mercado CEO of Financial Rescue LLC discusses how to pay off your wedding debt. Newlywed and in debt? This one is for you!

FINANCIAL RESCUE LLC is a marketing service provider for debt settlement programs, debt relief services, and law firms. For debt settlement and other money tips, visit us at financialrescuellc.com/consult for a FREE CONSULTATION or call 877-973-3287 (toll-free). We are open from 7am to 7pm.

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**This episode of OK Nga, Rod is paid for by Financial Rescue LLC. OK Nga, Rod is a segment of Adobo Nation, a weekly TV program owned and managed by TFC.